2024 autum primavera
buenos aires is a city full of turbulent histories, great architetures, theaters and therapists. the longer you stay, the more you will love it.
Jujuy and Salta are absolut underrated from my POV. Here you can avoid the crowd and fully enjoy the pure natural and indigene culture.
the most southern lighthouse, hard to imagin hunderts years ago when the explores came back from anarctica and first saw the civilization again.
close to El Calafate, where some still growing glaciars are located. Never saw such amount of ice, breathtaking.
if you like hiking, please come to El Chalten. If you want to see Fritz Roy, please plan more time to stay.
Patagonia has wonderful landscapes, tons of exotic creatures. Even in winter, it worths to visit.
Iguazul waterfalls, cross the water, you enter Brasil.